We are delighted to share with you the details of our forthcoming rewards trips. These trips are to reward pupils for following our high expectations and to acknowledge students’ hard work and effort for this academic year.
Every pupil is invited and will only have to follow some simple qualification criteria over the coming weeks to keep their place on the trip. We have put these criteria in place at the mid-point of the academic year. We have listened to pupil views regarding the places that they would like to go on the day. As you can imagine, we have had some great suggestions and it will certainly be a challenge organising so many trips on one day. Currently there are four trips in the planning stages, these are, The Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Alton Towers, Go Ape and Meadow Hall.
Unfortunately, there will need to be a cost to these visits as the school is not in a financial position to fund hundreds of school trips each year. However, pupils will be able to use the reward stamps they have collected throughout the whole of the academic year towards the cost of the trip if they so wish. All pupils will have to have meet the following criteria in order to attend the trip. As stated previously, to ensure complete fairness, all pupils have been given a 12-week window in which to achieve these criteria. There will be a shorter window for Year 10 pupils to incorporate work experience in July.
Pupils have been informed that the qualification period commences on Monday 15th April 2024.
The criteria are:
• Excellent attendance and punctuality 95% attendance for 12 weeks (medical reasons will be considered on an individual basis) This is the equivalent to no more than 3 days of absence. Pupils must also not exceed 2 instances of being Late on the Gate.
• Collect at least 50 reward stamps per week (pupils can collect 90 stamps each week from form time and lessons). This figure does not include stamps that students can collect outside of lessons.
• Receive no more than 6 detention points. These are comprised of lunch detentions which will be worth 1 point and After School Detentions which will be worth 2 points.
• Have no more than 1 day in RESET
There are some actions and behaviours which will lead to immediate disqualification from the trip:
• An external exclusion or an internal exclusion
• Bringing the reputation of the school into disrepute (including out of school incidents and on social media)
We will keep you informed during the qualification period if your child is on track or if they are in danger of
not meeting the criteria.
The special educational needs of students are considered when applying the criteria, this does not mean
the criteria does not apply, but that reasonable adjustments have been made to meet the needs of
individual students as and when required.
If you have any questions or queries regarding the reward visits, please do not hesitate to contact your
child’s Year Leader in the first instance.