Contact us by using the information below
The Snaith School
Pontefract Road, Snaith
Goole DN14 9LB
Telephone: 01405 860327
Report a student absence
All absences must be reported before 9.30am each day by texting 07375 025732, telephoning 01405 860327 option 1 , or e-mailing
When texting or leaving a message in relation to your child’s absence, you will need to give your child’s full name, form group and the reason for absence. You must contact school every day your child is absent. For full information on what to do if your child is absent from school click HERE.
Year Leaders
Year Leaders are your first point of contact for any pastoral concerns you may have
Year 7 Mrs Cooper – 01405 860327 option 2
Year 8 Mrs Anderson – 01405 860327 option 2
Year 9 Mrs Mulley – 01405 860327 option 3
Year 10 Mrs Price – 01405 860327 option 3
Year 11 Mrs Charlton – 01405 860327 option 3
Head of Upper and Lower School Pastoral Contacts
Head of Lower School (Transition 6-7, Year 7 and Year 8) Miss Baines
Head of Upper School (Year 9, 10 and 11) Mrs Carnell
Senior Leader Pastoral Contacts
Mr Wilson – Director of Pastoral Care
Mr Barton – Deputy Headteacher
Other Contacts:
If you have a query that is not directly relevant to your child’s year leader, please contact Louise Brodigan in the first instance by clicking the link HERE
If you have a query regarding our SEND provision, please contact us by clicking the link HERE to e mail our SENDCO, Alison Walker
If you have a query for the Chair of Governors, please click the link HERE to e mail Nick Holmes
Follow us on Twitter:
Follow the school: @TheSnaithSchool
Languages: @SnaithSchoolMFL
Geography: @TSS_GEOG
History: @SnaithHistory
Art: @tss_art
Health and Social Care: @TSS_HSC
Technology: @TSS_Tech1
Computing: @TSS_CoSci
Duke of Edinburgh Award: @TSS_DofE
Drama: @TSS_Drama
Data Protection Officer (DPO):
The Education Alliance has appointed Veritau Ltd as its Data Protection Officer (DPO) as part of a traded service. The role of the DPO is to monitor our compliance with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 and advise on data protection issues. If you would like to contact Veritau, their contact details are:
Schools Data Protection Officer
West Offices
Station Rise
North Yorkshire
YO1 6GA // 01904 554025
Please ensure you include the name of your school in all correspondence.
Alternatively, you can email Francesca Roper, Director of Trust Development and Compliance via